Violet pigmen 29-Corimax Violet 5011
Dhaptar parameter produk
Indeks Warna No. | Violet pigmen 29 |
Jeneng produk | Violet Corimax 5011 |
Kategori produk | Pigmen Organik |
Cepet Cepet (lapisan) | 7 |
Ketahanan Kalor (lapisan) | 200 |
Cepet Cepet (plastik) | 7-8 |
Ketahanan Kalor (plastik) | 290 |
Werna | ![]() |
Distribusi Hue |
Disaranake kanggo cat otomotif, cat arsitektur, cat industri, cat bubuk, tempel cetakan, PVC, karet, PS, PP, PE, PU, tinta nutup keretas, tinta adhedhasar banyu, tinta pelarut, tinta UV.
Bisa ditrapake kanggo lapisan lapisan.
As a high-performance colorant supplier, Zeya not only provides high-quality purple organic pigments, but also provides the following products: Pigment yellow 183, Pigment yellow 151, Pigmen kuning 191, etc. These yellow pigments have a high sales volume and are widely used. If you are interested in these products, you can visit the product page for details.