Pigmen Red 202-Corimax Red 202

Parameter teknis pigmen Abang 202

Indeks Warna No.Red pigmen 202
Jeneng produkCorimax Red 202
Kategori produkPigmen Organik
Nomer CAS3089-17-6
Nomer EU221-424-4
Kulawarga KimiaQuinacridone
Bobot molekuler381.21
Formula MolekulerC20H10CI2N2O2
Nilai PH6.5-7.5
Penyerapan Minyak (ml / 100g)%30-60
Cepet Cepet (lapisan)7-8
Ketahanan Kalor (lapisan)200
Cepet Cepet (plastik)7-8
Ketahanan Kalor (plastik)280
Resistensi banyu5
Resistensi Minyak5
Resep Asam5
Nyegah Alkali5
Distribusi Hue


Corimax Red 202 minangka tedhak pigmen kanthi kinerja dhuwur, kanthi cepet lan tahan panas.
Panggunaan utama yaiku cat lan plastik.


Disaranake kanggo cat otomotif, cat industri, lapisan wesi, pasta percetakan, PVC, karet, PS, PP, PE, PU, inks adhedhasar banyu, inter pelarut, inks UV.
Disaranake kanggo nggawe cat otomotif, lapisan baja coil, tinta nutup kerugian.

TDS (pigmen Red 202) MSDS(Pigment Red 202)

Informasi sing gegandhengan

Pigment Red 202 gives a stronger blue light red than 2,9-dimethylquinacridone (Pigmen Abang 122), excellent light and weather fastness, and is similar to C.I. Pigment Red 122 in application performance. It is mainly used for coloring automotive coatings and plastics, and transparent products with small particle sizes are used for double-layer metal decorative paints; it can also be used for packaging printing inks and wood coloring. There are 29 types of commercial brands on the market.

Aliases: CIPigment Red 202; PR202; Quinaridone Magenta 202; 2,9-dichloro-5,12-dihydro-Quino [2,3-b] acridine-7,14-dione; PIGMENT RED 202; 2,9-Dichloroquinacridone

InChI: InChI = 1 / C20H10Cl2N2O2 / c21-9-1-3-15-11 (5-9) 19 (25) 13-8-18-14 (7-17 (13) 23-15) 20 (26) 12- 6-10 (22) 2-4-16 (12) 24-18 / h1-8H, (H, 23,25) (H, 24,26)

Struktur molekuler:

Properties fisik lan kimia:

Hue utawa lampu: biru cahya abang
Kapadhetan relatif: 1.51-1.71
Kapadhetan akeh / (lb / gal): 12.6-14.3
Bentuk partikel: flake (DMF)
Nilai pH / (slurry 10%): 3.0-6.0
Penyerapan minyak / (g / 100g): 34-50
Daya panutup: jinis transparan